Who are the Fenner Glen association board members?
Each year, 3 or more association members are nominated and elected to serve a one year term on the association’s board. (This typically occurs at the January board meeting to which all residents are invited to attend.)
On January 25 of 2024, the following board was elected:
President – Alan Fleshman
Secretary – Jeff Uganski
Treasurer – Walt Coleman
Member – Bill Vanderweele
Member – Ed Viverette
Member – Rod Siegel
When are the neighborhood yard sale and neighborhood party scheduled?
The yard sale lasts 2 days and typically occurs on or around the Friday & Saturday following Mothers’ Day. The summer party typically occurs or or around the third Thursday in August. To see the dates for the current year, please consult the events calendar.
I’ve got some trees in my yard that I’d like to prune and/or remove. Do I need to get permission from the association board before doing so?
According to the bylaws, no tree located anywhere within the boundary of the condominium may be cut down without prior consent from the association board. This being the case, the board generally approves the removal of trees which are less than 4â in diameter at the base. However, if you plan to remove any tree(s), you need to request permission from the board prior to doing so.
With regards to pruning, you may prune without restriction any portion of a tree located within your condo unit. If you are planning to prune your trees, you should schedule the pruning appropriately (before April 15th or after July 15th) in order to minimize the risk of introducing the oak killing disease named âOak Wiltâ into the community. Click here for more details.
Can I park my car on the side of the road in front of my house or does it need to be in my driveway?
Overnight parking on any road or frontage area is prohibited, although day use parking in these areas is permitted. However, if a car is parked such that any portion of the car is involved with a road, it is still subject to Muskegon County law.
Someone keeps speeding through the neighborhood and I’m concerned about someone else getting hurt. What can be done to make people observe the speed limit?
The condo association has no authority over the traffic within the boundaries of the condominium. If you notice someone who repeatedly violates traffic law, your best option is to contact the Muskegon County Sheriff’s Department at (231) 724-6351. It’s unlikely that any action will occur after 1 complaint. However, action becomes more likely after several complaints are made.
Where can I find a complete list of the association’s rules (aka bylaws)?
In order to fully appreciate all of our bylaws (current and up to date), one must consult the condominium’s master deed and all of its amendments. It may be useful to know that Article VII of the master deed (titled âUse and Occupancy Restrictions; Enforcementâ) covers most of the topics about which questions pertaining to the “association’s rules” are often asked.
The entire master deed, its amendments, and Article VII (as an excerpt from the master deed) are available under the first 2 headings of our Documents section.
When and where are the board meetings? If I want to attend a meeting, what do I need to do?
There are 4 meetings each year and are typically held the 3rd week of January, April, July, and October. There is an open invitation to all members for each January meeting. If you wish to attend any meeting, you can find the dates for upcoming meetings on our events calendar.
If you have questions, feel free to contact us or simply speak with any board member for details.